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Going All In – Your Business Blueprint For 2024

Posted: September 12, 2024

Written by: Jessica Hastings Lesperance, Executive Contributor

Unlocking your full potential as an entrepreneur means letting go of fears, ditching expectations, and living true to yourself. In my experience as an entrepreneur, without the self-confidence to succeed and willingness to set aside fears and expectations, reaching your personal and professional goals can be a whole lot harder. There are a few simple and practical steps to self-reflect and discover your full potential as a business owner. So, here are eight strategies to help entrepreneurs go all in on themselves and their businesses.

1. Reflect on your entrepreneurial goals and vision

Goal setting is key in entrepreneurship, whether it’s for your business or personal life. Begin by listing long-term goals to get a clear understanding of what you are trying to achieve. Then, break them down into practical short-term and distant long-term goals. Having a list of short-term and long-term goals makes it easier to plan around and attain in small steps without getting overwhelmed.

Where do you want your business to be in five years? What about ten years? What can help you achieve that? What are you doing now that will help get you to where you need to be and what do you need to start doing to get there? Asking these questions will help you to understand how current actions contribute to larger entrepreneurial goals.

2. Identify the expectations in your entrepreneurial journey

What expectations do others have for you and what expectations do you have for yourself as an entrepreneur? Naming these expectations and differentiating them from external versus authentic desires is important. Identifying expectations answers the following key question that can often prevent entrepreneurs from going all in: what’s holding you back?

Work towards these self-identified expectations based on your capacity, priority, and vision. Instead of framing them as expectations, frame them as goals. This positive mindset shift relieves the pressure associated with the word “expectations” so you can be more productive and self-reflective in your business.

3. Set personal boundaries and standards for your business

I do not believe in “work-life balance” for entrepreneurs. Rather, there is an ebb and flow between life and business when one-day, business might be busier and prioritized, and the next day, life may take precedence.

Some might need more structure to this ebb and flow in their entrepreneurial life. So, instead of setting strict rules, set guidelines or mini goals to meet for work, personal life, and self-development. Setting a minimum standard will help maintain the right ebb and flow that works for you. This standard makes it easier to say “no” when a commitment comes up that does not align with your priorities, values, or vision.

4. Practice mindfulness and self-care as an entrepreneur

Maintaining a healthy self is important to unlocking your true potential in business. If you’ve been overworked and don’t take time for family and friends, you may burn out quickly and feel discouraged about your work.

Integrate mindfulness practices into your daily routine to remind yourself of the motivating “why” and to stay present. Practice mindfulness and self-reflection to recognize when you need a break and give yourself the time to recharge. Prioritize self-care activities, whether it’s physical activity, enjoying a hobby, or spending time with friends and family to rejuvenate your mind and body. Don’t underestimate the power of mindfulness and self-care to go all in on your entrepreneurial journey.

5. Embrace imperfection in your business ventures

Letting go of expectations goes hand-in-hand with embracing imperfection in entrepreneurship. Perfection is unattainable. While we can always strive to do our best, it’s more important to focus on progress.

When you make mistakes in your business, you’re also giving yourself great opportunities to learn and grow. Shift your mindset to focus on self-kindness when you are navigating new challenges as it’s important to develop resilience to failure so you can keep moving forward towards your goals. As cliché as it sounds, appreciate the journey as much as the destination in your business endeavors.

6. Seek support in your entrepreneurial journey

Even solo entrepreneurs are not alone. Collaboration and mentorship are crucial to success in business. Working with others or asking for advice allows you to gain diverse perspectives and insights you might not have otherwise considered.

The most successful entrepreneurs have mentors. Surround yourself with a network of mentors, peers, and advisors. I believe mentorship and coaching are both keys to success and greatly help you to grow to your fullest potential. Don’t hesitate to ask for help or advice from others when challenges arise. Support is a strength.

7. Celebrate the small wins

Positive encouragement and motivation that come as a result of your hard work can be game-changers when business is rough. No matter the size, acknowledge and celebrate every achievement. Setting smaller goals allows you to check off steps and have a reason to celebrate.

Recognizing the small wins is important not just for motivation but also as a form of mindset and self-care. If you feel productive and feel like you’re achieving your goals, you’ll feel good about your business and will want to keep going. Let celebrations fuel you to reach your big goals.

8. Stay committed

Being an entrepreneur is not always glamorous or easy. Letting go of fear and expectations is the first step, but staying committed and on track is equally as important. Business can be challenging, and there will be times when it will feel impossible to keep going. When these moments arise, remind yourself why you got into business in the first place, and use any setbacks as motivation to do better.

Developing a routine that reinforces your commitment to your goals can help you stay on track. Be resilient and confident in what you’re working towards. Just by doing that, you’ve already taken a significant step towards success.

In conclusion, embracing these strategies can dramatically shift your mindset and approach as an entrepreneur. In 2024, it’s all about going all in on your dreams, your business, and yourself. Remember, the journey of entrepreneurship is as rewarding as the destination itself. So, are you ready to go all in?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!



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